As we age, the hormones we used to have when we were younger began declining, some of those are: 

  • Growth hormone.
  • DHEA. 
  • Androstenedione.
  • Pregnenolone.
  • Oxytocin.
  • Estrogens.
  • Progesterone.
  • Testosterone.
  • Melatonin. 

And  increase the hormones of senescence:

  • Insulin.
  • Cortisol.

 It is therefore important to do a biochemical laboratory evaluation that confirms the diagnosis  of the vulnerable areas of the patient and the predisposition to  suffer from certain diseases. Our replacement therapies are given with  bioidentical hormones (the body knows how to handle what it knows). 

 Who are the most benefited from this : 

  • people over 40.
  • People who live on poorly structured diets.
  • Stressed people 
  • Chronically medicated people.
  • Everyone  who wants to improve their health.