Fat tissue in the body is distributed in different compartments:
Brown fat:
Frequent in newborns, whose function is to generate heat helping maintain the body temperature, it progressively decreases with age, but it is not completely lost. It is a type of fat that we should not worry about.
Beige fat:
Predominant in adults, formed by white fat on which a hormone called irisin (produced when exercising) has acted, with characteristics very similar to those of brown fat. Currently attracting great attention as it could be of great help in the fight against obesity.
White grease:
White adipose tissue represents between 20% of the weight of a man and 25% in women, without being overweight. Its main function is to supply energy in case of need and it is the main cause of obesity. increases with age.
Subcutaneous fat:
It is the most obvious one, it is found under the skin, it is felt by pinching the skin of the abdomen between the fingers and it is the one that attracts the most attention from an aesthetic point of view. It should be between 80% to 90% of total body fat.
Ectopic fat:
Located within our organs, it should be very little and together with visceral fat, it is the most dangerous. It is directly responsible for non-alcoholic fatty liver, metabolic syndrome, or type II diabetes, in addition to other different cardiovascular and metabolic pathologies.
Visceral fat:
It is the fat that surrounds the internal organs. We have the abdominal visceral fat that is the one that surrounds the gastrointestinal organs and the epicardial fat that surrounds the heart. It is very important since it is directly related to diseases such as metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, insulin resistance, respiratory or cardiovascular diseases.
It is very important to know how much of our weight corresponds to fat and how it is distributed within the organs or around them due to the risks that this entails.