A surgery to improve the nose, making it more harmonious with the patient’s face, while maintaining its respiratory function, which is the most important thing, since a beautiful nose with respiratory failure is a problem that should be avoided.  

Types of Rhinoplasty:

  1. Primary: Typically performed in patients who have not undergone previous nasal surgery.
  2. Secondary: Typically performed in patients who underwent a nasal procedure and require refinement.
  3. Closed rhinoplasty: A surgery that does not require any type of visible incision, since its performed inside the nose without leaving evidence on the skin.
  4. Open rhinoplasty: Performed through a discreet incision in the angle between the nose and the lip, whose main objective is correcting large defects in nasal shape or function, as a consequence of any previous nasal surgery. 


  • Anyone who wants an aesthetic/functional change of the nose.
  • Modifying the size of it.
  • Improving the shape of the tip or the back of the nose.
  • Improving the angle between the nose and the upper lip or forehead.
  • Narrowing the width of the nasal base by reducing the opening of the nostrils.
  • Improving a congenital or traumatic defect or injury
  • Correcting respiratory problems. 

Duration of the procedure: 1:30 min.

Hospitalization:  Ambulatory.

Recovery time: immobilization splint for 7 days.


  • It should be done when the growth and development of the nasal cartilage and bones have been completed (approx. 16 years).
  • In the case of secondary rhinoplasty due to dissatisfaction with the result of a previous surgery, it is advisable to wait a year for the healing to be completed and to be able to see the defined problem and solve it. 
  • Do not place liquid silicone or biopolymers anywhere on the nose or face, as there is a high probability of this implant coming out through the skin with unfortunate aesthetic results